Some more
1. Product of sucrose is?
2. Describe the structural and functional difference between leucoplast, chromoplast and ----?
3. Which is strait chain sugar.
4. What parameter would you use to find out the relation between two variables?
5. What do you mean by non parametric statistics? When do you use non parametric statistics? give eg 40 fish were exposed to chemicals A and B. of them, 28 fish moved towards chemical A and rest towards B. set up a test to assess this, and state the null hypothesis. what should be the conclusion?
6. chi square value for df=1 given
7. Differentiate between correlation and regression. Give an eg where correlation has no regression
8. Write the logistic growth curve equation for species A and B and modify them when they underprey predator relationship In wild dogs, which display lek behavior, what evolutionary force decide the males to engage in hunting and caring for the pups?
9. What is tetanization? What is rigor mortis?
10. What are type I and type II diabetes?
11. Draw the maturation stages of RBC
12. How is area related to species richness? Draw the graph and derive the equation. how is the above significant to island biogeography. (2 DNA sequences draw, one with excess AT, another with excess GC) which of the above will be more prone to damage by a toxic stress? how does DNA repair such damage?
13. Concentration of acetylchloine is 100 times greater in synaptic vesicles than in cytosol where it is produced. Explain
14. A blastomere given...certain areas marked...q: which area will develop into which organ?(don’t remember the ques properly..sorry)
15. Explain about the outlines of IgE degranulation mechanism?
16. What is use of transgenic animals?
17. How biosensors work?
18. What is the fate of protein when its N terminal signal sequence binds to SRP?
19. a) Draw the structure of Guanosine monophosphate and show the number of every C and N atom. b)Draw the ramachandran plot for D-Ala showing allowed combinations of the conformational angles.