Monday, April 19, 2010

AUCET-Biochemistry-2009 previous paper

AUCET means Andhra University Common entrance test for Master of Science Admissions (M.Sc.-Biochemistry).
Now this was changed as Andhra University Region Post Graduation Common Entrance Test (AURPGCET) from 2010. but the pattern of the Common Entrance Test is the same. The given Previous papers are very useful to get good rank in AUCET examinations. just Download the AUCET BIOCHEMISTRY Previous paper of 2009 along with AURPGCET Broacher.


Immunology is the defense system in Animals & Plants

Immunology is the study of the immune response. It has tremendous advances in the last 3 decades. In Latin “Immunitis” means “Freedom from Burdens” It is the slogan of second world war soldiers. The Father of Immunology and microbiology is Louis Pasteur” (1822 to 1895).

Animal encounter many potentially dangerous microbes in air, water and food. They have evolved co-operative types of defense mechanism against the disease causing microbes. These mechanisms maintain homeostasis to keep the animals alive. Infact human body is a closed container. If a parasite is to establish it must first penetrate the layer of this container. Intact skin and its extension into the gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tracts represent the major form of infection and diseases.


Essential Amino Acids are ...

A Low Kwality Fun In Watching M TV

Kwality (Quality)

Just imagine you are watching your favorite program in M TV but suddenly the program changed and the new program came about Amino acids which you don't like at that time.

Than you told to your friend

A Low Kwality Fun In Watching M TV

L = Leucine

K = Lysine

F= Phenylalanine

I= Isoleucine

W= Tryptophan

M= Methionine

T= Threonine

V= Valine

A= Arginine

Enzymes are Bio catalysts, these are classified into

Enzymes are classified into six major groups on the basis of the type of the reaction they catalyze.

These are

  1. Oxidoreductases

  2. Transferases

  3. Hydrolases

  4. Lyases

  5. Isomerases

  6. Ligases (synthases)

Key - Just Imagine that there is an electron ē, which get transferred to the molecule of water(H2O). This molecule get break and form its Isomer. After some time it again synthesized into Water(H2O).

Collect information from bold words

electron ē Oxidoreductases (Transfer of electrons)

transferred Transferases (Transfer of functional group)

water(H2O) Hydrolases (Hydrolysis reaction)

break Lyases (Cleavage of C-C, C-O, C-N and other bonds)

Isomer Isomerases (Transfer of Groups within a molecule)

synthesized Ligases (synthases) (ligase)

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