There are so many brilliant scientists in our country but none of them had won Nobel Prize. At present Biotechnology in India is in very bad condition. We can be one of the Biotech centre in the World. We have Brain, Money, Facilities and more than 200 Research Institutes for biological or Life Science only but still we are waiting for this excellent Prize. And the bad news could be for us that there is no chance in near future that any one from India will get Nobel Prize. We don't have such quality in research and infrastructure that we can win Nobel Prize.
If you ask any PG student for any great Scientist or Biotechnologist in India, possibly he/she have any answer. No one Scientist in India had done any great work that he or she can come in Limelight. DBT and our scientific community should do something for this. We had tried to assemble the possible reasons from the suggestions of various Indian People. The possible reasons are here.
Research Institutes / Organization / Academic institutions:
1. There is no noble work is going on any Research Institute of Nobel Prize level. Most of the Research Institutes are doing work based on the work which is already done.
2. Basic researches are coupled with advanced targets and are not focused, thus lacking
Noble Prize Quality.
3. Our Research Institute does not concentrate on basic and fundamental research which is use full for day to day life.
4. The top research institutions are infected with Hierarchy and Bureaucracy (Govt. and Publicly funded institutes and laboratories) which does not allow individual and brilliant scientists to grow independently and do what they want to do.
5. Failure of the organizations to create a working environment, which is competitive in positive terms.
6. At research organizational levels, wastage of money and time on internal politics than allowing research workers to work.
7. In most of the organizations, administration is being looked after by the administrators, at the cost of suppressing many qualities and ultimately morale of the scientific workers.
8. In research institute the environment is not so good that we do not generate original
9. Funding for a new idea is limited and possibly system can not justify the new idea.
10. Our peers many times do not accept entirely new idea.
11. We are too bothered to see if the idea is acceptable to others
12. The top academic institutions in India cater to teaching and do not promote research to acceptable levels.
13. We have already so many private organizations. They are organizing various programs and Training but their main aim is get funds from DBT.
1. Older generation try to take credit from the work and ideas generated by younger generation.
2. Harassment by senior colleague, who never wants junior to achieve anything.
3. Research Jealousy in Scientists.
4. The scientists are emphasing on publication rather than the useful output. In many research institute most scientists are pasted front page of their publication in their notice board. But they are very far from any useful patent.
5. More publication by any scientist are thought more effectiveness so that in most places (seminar and conferences and guest lecturers) in their introduction one line is common that he/she have already published this much papers in national and international journals. It does not matter whether this have a valuable or not.
6. Lack of integrity of scientists.
7. The lack of cooperation and coordination between the groups of scientists, if they really work hard by putting their all efforts in their work unitedly, definitely they can achieve.
8. Some Scientist live life comfortably and happily, some have no new Idea, some are enjoying their power.
1. People are not thinking to take research as carrier.
2. Brain drain- Most of the PhD students after submitting there thesis go to abroad for PDF. The best of them are absorbed there it self.
3. People engaged in research do not want to shift to other organization having appropriate infrastructure for insecurity in terms of loosing earlier good & permanent jobs.
4. Lack of creativity in earlier generations. Most of the students are creative only in childhood but on PG almost creativity lost due to our education system. Our Education system is not such that it enhances creativity.
5. Most Students are studying to earn money. After doing PG most are searching job and are not trying to clear NET for Research.
6. People mentalities are not to be a scientist or not to make their child a scientist. If you ask any PG student for any Scientist or Biotechnologist of India, possibly he/she doesn’t have any answer. No one Scientist in India had done any work that he or she can come in Limelight.
7. Most times we only consider thoughts and materials of foreigners better than our ones. If somebody between us does some innovative work, we will not give him equal importance as we give to foreigners doing the same things.
Government / System
1. Our system does not appreciably identify brilliance and creativity early on in the career of an individual researcher/scientist. Example. Noble Literate Hargobind Khurana.
2. Due to Poor infrastructure and delayed implementation of funds most of interest in research is lost.
3. The weaknesses in India's research system due to which the real talents of the peoples get lost in the useless exercises and it never comes to the surface.
4. No proper Infrastructure, encouragement and freedom.
5. We dint get the facilities as well as environment to conduct the research.
6. Most of the appointments are made on extraneous considerations and not on merit.
7. Lacking of easy access to appropriate infrastructure
8. No such incentives or Promotion in job.
9. The ultimate democracy and freedom of speech and thought does not exist in reality in institutions.
10. No serious intensions from the Government to search out and promote REAL talents.
11. Too much of interference in academic/scientific institutes by politicians.
12. The government is not that much encouraging the research like the foreign countries
by granting the funds they need.
13. Our country has a large problem of unemployment and most of the people go for good job instead of research.
14. Present system is full of bias, politically motivated and seeks more number of publications. The recognition of quality publications is name sake in individual promotion and selection.
15. Most scientists on top faculty lack in vision, devotion and attitude for consists basic research.
16. Scientist wants to enjoy power either as director, DG or president, the scientist really doing best remains on very low profile.
17. Our system can possibly recognize intelligence but not intellectuality.
We need your valuable comments and suggestions on it.