Friday, June 11, 2010

Water Electrolysis experiment is one of the best experiment

How can you perform Electrolysis of water to produce Hydrogen and Oxygen?

Research the Problem:
Electrolysis is Chemical change, especially decomposition, produced in an electrolyte by an electric current. Electrolytes dissolve by dissociation. That is when the molecules of the substance break down into charged particles called ions. An ion with a negative charge is called an anion because it is drawn through the solution to the positive charge on the anode. A particle with a positive charge is called a cation. It moves through the solution to the cathode. Water has its solvent properties because it is polar. The molecule has charged ends (+ and -). These charged ends react with charges on other polar substances to dissolve them. They do so by taking hydrogen atoms from the substance to form hydronium ions. The word electrolysis means the process of breaking molecules to smaller components by using an electric current. Positive and negative poles of a DC electric source such as a battery can absorb opposite ions of an electrolyte causing separation of ions and creation of a new substance.

Adding some Sulfuric Acid as electrolyte will increase conductivity of water and creation of Hydrogen and Oxygen gases.

In this experiment, initially we used two copper wires, one twelve-volt battery, and some drinking water to do the tests. The process was slow and caused excessive amounts of corrosion on the copper wires and discoloration in the water. To avoid corrosion of electrodes and discoloration of water, we repeated the test using Graphite Rods as electrodes. Also to speed up the process we added some Sulfuric Acid to the water as electrolyte.

Materials Used:
Copper Wire, Graphite Rods, Sulfuric Acid, Test Tubes, Beaker, Water

Fillup ¼ of beaker with clear water, secure two test tubes filled with water in the beaker in a way that test tubes are up-side down over the beaker. Mount the wires or electrodes that you have prepared and then connect the electricity.


Check the produced hydrogen and oxygen gasses in five minutes. Repeat the test with different electrodes and different amounts of electrolytes and record the results in the table below. You may want to repeat the experiment with different electrods. (Electrode is only the area that has contact with water, not the part that has insulator or plastic cover. In the above picture electrodes are identified with yellow color).


Now, Analyze your data and come up with your own conclusion.

Make Electricity from fruits are made easy


    This project is one of the most famous electricity projects that can be performed successfully by most students in the age of 10 to 16. Since the same method is used to get energy from many fruits and chemicals, this project has many names. Following are some of the other names or titles for this project:

  • Fruit power or fruit battery
  • Convert Chemical energy to electrical energy
  • Potato battery or Lemon battery



           Making electricity from chemicals is based on the same scientific principles on which all modern batteries work. You insert copper and zinc electrodes in an acidic liquid and produce some electricity from the chemical reaction between your electrodes and electrolyte. The electricity produced in this way can be displayed with a multi-meter that can show millivolts. It may also be able to power up a 1.2 Volts light bulb. Making electricity experiment can be used for many different science projects.

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